What is communication?

Two-way radio communication, also known as walkie-talkies or handheld radios, is a communication method that allows two or more people to communicate with each other using a wireless radio signal. Unlike cell phones, two-way radios do not rely on cellular towers or Wi-Fi connections to operate, making them ideal for use in remote areas or situations where cellular networks may be overloaded or unavailable.

License radio

Our licensed two-way radios are designed to provide reliable, secure, and efficient communication …..Read More


Our license-free radios are designed to provide reliable and cost-effective communication solutions for businesses, organizations, and individuals who do not want to invest in a radio license.…..Read More


LoRa mesh two-way radio communication is a wireless communication technology that enables devices to communicate with each other using radio waves over a long range.…..Read More


Overall, LoRa mesh two-way radio communication is a powerful and flexible technology that enables reliable communication over long distances, even in challenging environments..…..Read More